Forecasting Insurance Demand
By Marcel Beyer, Hermann Buslei, Peter Haan, and Alexander Ludwig We present a quantitative estimate
Since 2024 I am professor for public macroeconomics at European University Institute (EUI, Florence). I am on leave from Goethe University Frankfurt, where I have been Professor for Public Finance and Macroeconomic Dynamics since 2014.
I am spokesperson of DFG research unit on Macroeconomic Implications of Intra-Household Decision Making and principal investigator in EU Horizon 2022 project SUSTAINWELL – Sustainable Welfare: Rethinking the roles of Family, Market and State. I am member as well as co-founder of the Frankfurt Quantitative Macro Group (FQMG) and Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). I am also director of ICIR and affiliated with the following institutions: SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt; CMR, University of Cologne; MEA, Munich; Netspar and ZEW, University of Mannheim.
Until 2021 I participated in the DFG priority program 1578 on Financial Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Performance and was project leader of the Norface DIAL project “Trends in Inequality: Sources and Policy”. I am Editorial Board Member at the Journal of Pension Economics & Finance and at the Journal of Demographic Economics. My research interests are in the fields of dynamic macroeconomics with heterogeneous agents, public finance, demographic and computational economics.
By Marcel Beyer, Hermann Buslei, Peter Haan, and Alexander Ludwig We present a quantitative estimate
The starting point for today’s considerations is the observed high inflation, the trend reversal in
By Daniel Harenberg and Alexander Ludwig This blog is also published as “Why an ageing